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New Servers online:)
by  De@thMa$k 23.01.11 21:09h

After a lot of trouble with the old servers from Benelux Gaming, we finally got new, low ping servers online hosted by Senna and Instinctiv.


We got a public server, called 'dEadL1ne Svr. It's a 26 slot server + 4 private slots. The server IP adress is which is hosted in Germany.

The other server can be used by public purposes, but its our new war server. The 'dEadL1ne War server is a 16 slots server which is also hosted in Germany with the following IP adress:


Please put them in your favorites and play a lot on it.

Everyone can have the RCON password from the war server to play 1on1's or something, so ask me about the rcon password.



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